B&F Compendium of Jewish Genealogy
    > Poland
    > Łódź
    > Wieruszów
    > Archival Records for Wieruszów
Archival Records for Wieruszów
For information on this page and what is listed, please see Introducing archival records info in the Compendium. The links here were updated in June 2021, which you can find out more about in Updates to Polish archive links.

The PRADZIAD/Unit List link will either link to the PRADZIAD database information for the collection, or to the unit list for records if the Polish State Archives site has the unit information already on the site. The szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl link should be the authortative link from the Polish State Archives for the specific collection.

Polish State Archives

Archive Fond Summary Comments
State Archives in Kalisz 768
Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bożniczego Wieruszów
Births 1831, 1836, 1856-1857, 1867, 1871-1907, 1910-1911
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Kalisz 768
Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bożniczego Wieruszów
Deaths 1831, 1856-1857, 1867, 1871-1911
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Kalisz 768
Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bożniczego Wieruszów
Marriages 1836, 1856-1857, 1871-1915
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Kalisz 332
Akta parafialne z terenu województwa kaliskiego
Marriage Supplements 1856-1857
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Łódź 1723
Akta stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Wieruszowie
Births 1826-1870, 1872, 1877
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Łódź 1723
Akta stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Wieruszowie
Deaths 1826-1863, 1865, 1868-1870, 1872, 1877
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Łódź 1723
Akta stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Wieruszowie
Marriages 1832, 1838-1839, 1841-1845, 1847-1853, 1858-1870
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]
State Archives in Łódź 1723
Akta stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Wieruszowie
Marriage Supplements 1842, 1847-1850, 1853, 1859-1860
[PRADZIAD/Unit List]


Archive Film Summary Comments
Polish State Archives in Łódź 753123
Births, Marriages, Deaths 1808-1810, 1815-1816
Polish State Archives in Łódź 753124
Births, Marriages, Deaths 1817-1821
Polish State Archives in Łódź 753125
Births, Marriages, Deaths 1822-1825
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1 thought on “Archival Records for Wieruszów

  1. Hello, My name is Adrian Peter Zezula. I reside in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada and I am trying to find some family history of my great grandfather Wasyl Zezula. My information is from my grandfather, Jan Zezula, so I do not know how accurate or complete it is. I believe that Wasyl was born in Wiepszow (maybe Wieruszow) and moved to Podhorce where he married Marja Janicka who was born there in 1874. Both of them died in Podhorce, 1929 and 1937, repectfully. My records stop there. If you have anything about their parent and or their siblings I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

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