I previously mentioned the cancelation of Ancestry’s Family Tree Maker (FTM) software, and also wrote about options for transitioning to other programs for FTM users. One of the things that surprised me was how Ancestry had not seemed to think about the users at all and how they would move on beyond FTM. They had long claimed that FTM was the most popular desktop genealogy software, and yet they’d let this large user base to drift in the wind, so to speak. The right way to have done it would have been to figure out a transition plan, found a buyer for the program, or opened up their APIs to other programs, etc. all before getting out of the desktop software business.
In my original post, I hoped they would come up with solutions in the year between their announcement and the final discontinuation of the product. It seems that now they have. It would have been better to have done this before their announcement, but at least they’ve done it.
Ancestry announced on their blog that they’ve come up with two official transition options for FTM users.

It remains to be seen if Ancestry plans to offer access to their APIs to other genealogy software companies. In my post on transitioning from FTM, I listed eight different desktop genealogy programs, all that could potentially partner with Ancestry for the same access, with the exception of Family Tree Builder, from MyHeritage. It wouldn’t make sense for Ancestry to work with MyHeritage since it is one of Ancestry’s major competitors in both online trees and more importantly online research. I suspect Ancestry will probably not add new partners this year. They’ve already said RootsMagic will support Ancestry by the end of the year, and I imagine they want to get that working well before adding new partners.
The real question going forward is how two third-party companies are going to move forward with accessing what were previously private Ancestry APIs. Software MacKiev has already worked with these APIs, so they’re ahead of the game. What happens when one company or the other needs a change in the API? or when Ancestry changes something that breaks an API? What about when Ancestry adds a new feature that would be helpful if accessed via the APIs – will Ancestry be adding it to the API? Ideally all three companies (Ancestry, Software MacKiev and Rootsmagic) have some kind of committee in place to handle these issues. If Ancestry expands access to their APIs to more companies, these issues will only become more complex, so I hope they’ve figured out a plan for these issues already.
So thank you Ancestry for coming up with solutions for your FTM users. Yes, it would have been better to do this before your announcement in December, but better late than never.
I use myheritage.com and their free software. Excellent software. Produces beautiful reports.
Of course MyHeritage and their Family Tree Builder software are an option. I wrote about them in my previous post Managing the FTM transition. What I meant to point out in this post is that there are now will be two solutions that work directly with Ancestry.com and can import FTM files directly (two things MyHeritage will never be able to do unfortunately).
Philip –
If you want a good idea at what types of horrors might transpire with Ancestry and third parties, especially if API details are not handled correctly, look no further than eBay.
Constant “breakage”, and one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. I am an alpha and beta tester for one of the third-parties that accesses eBay’s API, and management of that third-party firm has confided in me that eBay essentially leaves them high and dry on the API, more often than not.
Let’s hope Ancestry handles it better.